Voyage of the Galactic Space Dangler, 2016

Composed of live action sculptural sets, stop-motion animations, composited After Effects images and macro video segments, all practical effects. It tells the story of the two most unlikely candidates to ever possibly meet in space and time: an astronaut and a neanderthal. 

Digital Video, 7:54 minutes

Director: Evan Mann

Produced by Otherworldly Productions

Director of Photography: Brook Aitken

Musical Score: Joseph Reuben

Production Manager: Alex Lorn-Krause

Photography: Harper Point Photography

Colorist: Waylon Trostel

Actors: Andrew Finzel, Nolan Brown, Valerie Simon, Rick Romero

Make-up Artist: Courtney Scherer

Costume Fabrication Assistance: Chau Simon, Claire Anderson

Studio Intern: Caleb Gillen